Tuesday, January 19, 2016

ReadWorks.org | The Solution to Reading Comprehension

ReadWorks provides research-based units, lessons, and authentic, leveled non-fiction and literary passages directly to educators online, for free, to be shared broadly.
The ReadWorks curriculum is aligned to the Common Core State Standards and the standards of all 50 states. Most importantly, ReadWorks is faithful to the most effective research-proven instructional practices in reading comprehension.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

More Great Online Games for Maths

Here are a few more games which are great for those who need a little more practise with the basic facts. 

Base Ten Bingo
abcya - Ten Bingo

Equivalent Fractions Bingo
abcya - Equivalent Fractions Bingo

Explore the other games on this site too as there are loads of entertaining, educational games.

How to Create and Customize Calendar in MS Word - YouTube

This is a great tutorial on creating a calendar from scratch in Microsoft Word. It's clear and simple.

Friday, January 16, 2015

6 DIY Photography Gifts - YouTube

There are some great ideas on this YouTube video. I especially like the laser print transfers onto wood. I am definitely going to give it a go.


Thursday, December 4, 2014

Addition to Ten - online game

This is a great, addictive game to practise addition.
There are two options:

Addition to make 10 Math Lines - addition to 10
Addition to make 20 Math Lines - addition to 20

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Reluctant Hearts

Some days, it feels especially challenging to send loving thoughts to other people. The phrase, "Hell is Other People" comes to mind and it's easy to find reasons why I'd rather keep my loving inspirations to myself.

Other peoples' behavior or words, or both, seem baffling, leaving me wondering how to respond.

It's easy to get caught up in drama. We've all been there. One person blurts out some injustice that was perpetrated against them and pretty soon, others join in, adding their own doses of miserable stuff. Momentum builds and it becomes a whirling mass of collective misery. I envision it as a small tornado that picks up speed as more people verbalize their issues and toss them into the mixture.

It then spins faster, increasing in power and sucks more people in. It has now become a Sucking Vortex.

Amidst the fear that I, too, will be unwillingly sucked into it, a realization comes over me.

This person needs to let it out.
I could possibly create a safe space for them to do this.
Just listen.
Realize it will pass.
Let it go and feel the energy dissipate.

As a kid, I saw floating hearts in a Scooby Doo cartoon, moving from one character to another. I call this image up and envision a cloud of chuckling hearts, each with silly grins, moving from my heart toward the other person.  Sometimes, it's just what they need. Turn those reluctant hearts into caring ones.